XXI Republican Tourist Competition “Know Belarus” 2023
The Sports and Tourism Sector of the Ivye Regional Executive Committee informs that the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus and the National Tourism Agency are holding the XXI Republican Tourist Competition “Know Belarus”.
Among the objectives of the competition are to stimulate the competitiveness of the tourism services market of the Republic of Belarus, to reward for the contribution to the development of the tourism industry, to draw attention to tourism brands, to create a positive image of the Republic of Belarus as a country attractive to tourists, sightseers, to attract the population to active forms of recreation, to promote a healthy lifestyle. life, popularization of historical sights, cultural and natural heritage of the Republic of Belarus, increasing the prestige of professions employed in the tourism industry, stimulating the use of modern technologies in tourism.
In 2023, the competition will be held in 13 nominations. Applications for participation in the competition are open until October 1, 2023.
Information about the competition is posted on the website of the National Tourism Agency https://www.belarustourism.by/smi/priglashaem-k-uchastiyu-v-xxi-respublikanskom-turisticheskom-konkurse-poznay-belarus-2023/
In connection with the above, we ask you to take part in the competition. Please send information on applications by September 25, 2023 to the email address ivsporttourism@gmail.com