“Kahanne stagoddzia”
Route: Lipniški-Geraneny
Route length: 54 km
Time of the route: 2 h 30 min.
Type: bus and walking tour
Type: historical
Organizer: Ivye Museum of National Cultures Management Company, the sports and tourism sector of the Ivye Regional Executive Committee.
Contacts: 801595 68035, 801595 69077
Description of the main attractions along the route:
Lipnishki is considered one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Belarus; for some time Józef Pilsudski secretly lived here. And “if stones could speak …”, they would tell us a lot of interesting things. They were witnesses and contemporaries of the “love of the century”, as historians would later call the love of the Polish king Sigismund II August and the beautiful Litvinka Barbara Radziwill. The first sparks of love between the Polish king Sigismund II Augustus and the beautiful Lithuanian woman Barbara Radziwill flared up in Geraniony, where, over time, the flame also flared up.
Church of St. Casimir
The church in the Lipnishki village was built in 1910. The temple was built in the neo-Gothic style.
A Catholic parish and a wooden church appeared in Lipniški in 1510. For half a millennium, the temple disappeared several times from the map of the village and reappeared on it.
In 1900, the construction of a new stone church began in the village. It was built at the expense of the owner of Lipnishek Alexander Volsky, although the money was also collected by all the parishioners. The architectural project was developed by specialists from France. The invited Poles and local residents worked on the construction.
The temple was built in 1910, but additional work was carried out until 1927, after which the church was consecrated.
The ruins of the castle are an unpreserved monument of the palace and castle architecture of the late 15th – early 16th centuries. Belonged to the Lithuanian magnates Gashtolds.
The Church of St. Nicholas is a Catholic church in the village of Geraneny. Belongs to the Ivye deanery of the Grodno diocese. An architectural monument in the late Baroque style with elements of classicism. Included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus.