
“In the Footsteps of the First World War in the Ivye District”

Route: Ivye – Yuratishki – Bakshty – Lelyuki – Morino
Route length: 85 km
Route time: 3-4 hours
Type: bus and pedestrian, car
Type: historical and cultural
Organizer: State Educational Institution “Lelyukinskaya Secondary School of Ivyevsky District”
Contacts: 801595 69077

The sightseeing tour “In the Footsteps of the First World War in the Ivyevsky District” displays the historical development of the Ivyevsky District at the beginning of the 20th century. It introduces tourists to the historical events that took place in the region from 1915 to 1918. There is also an acquaintance with the sights that are located along the excursion route.

Description of the main attractions on the route

Geological natural monument of republican significance “Ivyevsky spring”. The spring in the city of Ivye has been known since the beginning of the last century. The spring was equipped in 1916, when Ivye was occupied by German troops. The work of the spring was organized by a German doctor named Mige. An artesian well was drilled and pipes were laid. Later, the spring was given the name “Mige’s Well” and it became a landmark of the city.

On the initiative of the rector of the Ivye temple and with the support of the district authorities, a font was built near the spring, which bears the name of Archangel Michael.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker – graves of German soldiers Military actions on the territory of the Ivye district began at the end of September 1915 and were associated with the offensive of German troops pursuing the retreating Russian troops. The fiercest battles took place in the western part of the region. Both sides suffered losses. The retreating Russian troops did not have time to bury their fallen soldiers. The locals buried the fallen soldiers later (in the fall of 1915 and spring of 1916), according to the Germans’ orders.
The graves of German soldiers in Yuratishi are located on the territory of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The fact that the graves are located right on the church grounds is due to the fact that a German hospital was located inside the church, which was then moved to the neighboring village of Savici, to the house of the local Mr. Walitsky, at the request of local residents.

Memorial sign of the deployment of the headquarters of the German infantry division The sign itself is installed opposite the house where the headquarters of the German infantry division was located. The inscription on the stone reads as follows: divisional headquarters of the 85th Landwehr Division from 1915 to 1918. Before the occupation, the house belonged to local landowners named Radkevich.

Grave of German soldiers near the village of Borutishki
Two German soldiers are buried in this cemetery. On the front side of the monument there is an inscription indicating the names and surnames, dates of birth, military ranks, date of death and cause of death (from a lightning strike).

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Healer Panteleimon – defensive structures (Pervomayskaya Street, parking lot next to building 59, 53.937907, 26.189160). Opposite the church, on the outskirts of the cemetery in the village of Bakshty, two defensive structures have been preserved.
Considering the design features, appearance and size of the structures, the following conclusion can be made: defensive structures of this type are long-term firing points

The school houses an exposition of the museum room “Ivyevshchina during the First World War”. Among the exhibits of the museum room, the most interesting and valuable are authentic items from the early 20th century: documents, banknotes of the Russian and German empires from 1899-1916, glassware, military items.

ag. Morino

On the bank of the Neman River there is a German defensive structure from the period of the First World War. Considering the design features, appearance, as well as the use of corrugated metal in this structure, we can draw the following conclusion: a defensive structure of this type is a long-term firing point intended for firing at the enemy