Cafe «Na skryzhavany»
Ivye district, village Mostki (highway M6 Minsk-Grodno, 137th km)
Tel. 801595 63904
Working hours: daily from 8.00 to 20.00
On the 133th kilometer of the M6 Minsk-Grodno highway, there is a convenient roadside cafe “On hiding”. The name was not chosen by chance, because directions to such cities as Novogrudok and Ivye, Minsk and Grodno are open from this crossroads.
The cafe offers delicious dishes of Belarusian and European cuisine. A varied menu allows you to choose a dish to your taste, and affordable prices will not make you think about your budget. If you are in a hurry and do not have time for a full meal, the cafe staff will be happy to collect food for you (lunch box).
There is a large free parking on the territory of the cafe.