Photo competition
The Sports and Tourism Sector of the Ivyevsky District Executive Committee informs that the establishment of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus “Publishing House “Belarus Today” (hereinafter referred to as the Publishing House “Belarus Today”) from February 16 to November 24, 2023 is holding a photo story competition “Made for the Motherland” dedicated to the Year peace and creation (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
This Competition is intended to tell about the history of the creation of a unique production facility for your region, an important facility for the city, about the wonderful people nearby and their deeds, thanks to which our country is becoming stronger and more beautiful.
The deadline for submitting materials is September 29, 2023.
The best works will be published in newspapers of the publishing house “Belarus Segodnya”, as well as posted in the online publication “sb.bv”. The winners of the Competition will be awarded valuable prizes (first place – a laptop, second place – a tablet, third place – a mobile phone).
Details are in the online publication “sb.by” in the “Competitions” section.