Information materials National Academy of Sciences of Belarus about the early periods of the history of Minsk
1. Aggregate information.
The archeal complex, like a paselishcha on the race of Mentsy, skaladaetstsa z umatsavanaga garadzishcha – dzyadzintsa, chatyroh villages, – pasadas and not calky kurgan groups, yakiya ўzho tsalkam torn apart. Garadzіshcha is spread on the right birch of Rakі Menki (right prytok Rakі Ptsіchy). Iago has a warehouse with two parts – a small and a vyalіkae garadzіshcha. A small garadzіshcha is known on the cape, covered with gold of the Danube stream and Menkai cancer. In early May, an avalanche dance floor measuring 80 x 16 m, low ramparts are surrounded by three tanks. Vyalіkae garadzіshcha jumping and small from the rainy day-skhodnyaga side. Pamer yago plyatsoўki 120 x 120 m.
Chatyrs villages know vakol garadzishcha. Selishcha 1 unpasred daluchaetstsa and garadzіshcha z paўdneva-shodnyaga side і addzyalyaetstsa hell yagorov. Iago area folded 9 ha. Selishcha 2 is spread out from the entrance to the side of hell garadzishcha, on the protselegly, left birch of the Danube stream. Iago area is not more than 10 hectares. Astatniya knows two villages on the left beraz of Menki. Getyya selishchy padzyalyayutstsa yaram, veragodna, rechyshchy feather-dry brook. The area of village 3 is 6 hectares, and village 4 is 4 hectares. Syonnya selіshcha 1 raskhіnaetstsa, astatnіya trapіlі fall zabudovu suchastnaya veska Garadzіshcha.
Upershynia on Garadzishcha ў ХІХ Art. zvyarnuў respect P. M. Shpileuski. In 1930, A. Ryneyisky, a researcher of the region, studied the area, yakі apіsаў yago i znyаў plan. The first archeological investigations in the 30s. XX stst. here pravodzili A. M. Lyaudansky and A. D. Kavalenya. Archaeological excavations of Garadzishcha adnavіў in 1954 by A. R. Mitrafanaў (160 m² area was investigated). Large-scale investigation of the pravodzіў complex in 1963–64, 1967–68. E. M. Zagarulski (a large area of 600 m² was investigated). In 1969, M.A. Tkachov azhytsyavіў zachistku zakhodnyaga profile paўdnyovag rupture of the shaft vyalіkaga garadzіshcha. From 1975 to 1983 the complex on the Mentsy race was taught by G. V. Shtykhaў (the area was explored more than 2500 m²). From 1996 to 2000, legal investigations were carried out by Yu. A. Zayats (236 m2 were investigated). 2011–12, 2018, 2020–23 archeal complex vyvuchae A.V.
At the vynіku it was clarified that the territory, dze znahodzitsa archeal complex on the river. Mentsy, was inhabited by Yashche from the Mezalite era (8-5 thousand years BC). Zhytstse here practiced in the Nealite era, in the Bronze Age (5-2 thousand years BC), pra geta was known to connoisseurs of stone shakers. In the era of the Zhaleznaga century, a small garadzishcha was published. Adkrytya villages appeared in the IX–X centuries. U X Art. selishcha vykonvala the function of handlovag and ramesnag center vyalіkay vyaskovay okrugі. Merkuezza, which is on the clothes of the 1st and 2nd millennium A.D. there was a sluggish garadzіshcha and paselіshcha there was an asnoy lynx, which were ўlassіv early early days of the city, – the dzyadzіnets were smeared, but as if the unfamiliar pasadas were given. Magchyma, at the gate, the watch is pastelishcha time and again around the warehouse of the Polatsk land. Prague can help the experts of the donets garshchkov z reveal the trident – the sign of Prince Izyaslav Uladzimiravich, the son of the Polatsk princess Ragneda. Most of the students are fast-paced versions that play on the race of Mentsy call the summer cities of Mensks – the centers of the Menska volosts of the Polatsk land, like atrymaў I call the hell of Menki. The menavita with these pastelishchs is connected with the fall of 1067, suitable for the “Apocalypse of the Past Reptiles”: “At the year 6575 (1067). The fall of the race at Polatsk Usyaslav son of Brachaslav, and occupied Nougarad. Three are Yaraslavavicha, Izyaslav, Svyataslav, Usevalad, sabraushy warriors, paishli on Usyaslav and motsna frost. I fell to Mensk, and I conceived ў cities. The brothers took Mensk and killed all their husbands, and the wife took the palon and paishli to Nyamiza…” yamigi ў Svіslach to the princes Gleb Usyaslavіch bў pabudavany new city , and the Menskaya Volosts succumbed to the princely principalities.
Zhytstse on paselishchy adnaulyayetstsa ў XIV century, kali on terytori garadzіshcha ўzіkae feudal syadzіba, and the paselіshcha peratvaraetstsa ў mestechka. At the meter of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the butler’s pad was called Garadzishcha ўzgadvaetstsa pad 1547. Syadzіbai at the rose clock was valodal of the ancestors of the Statkevich, Palubinskіkh and Pishchalav families. Hell of an aposhnіh manager of the seat would be Rudolf Pishchala.
2. Vyalіkae garadzіshcha.
Vyalіkae garadzіshcha jumping and small garadzіshcha z paўdneva-shodnyaga side. Pamer yago plyatsokі 120 x 120 m. From the rainy and skhodnyaga bakov, the traces of the ditch are scattered, and the paunk part of the rampart is surrounded by balocysts and catch the crayfish Menki. Merkuezza, that the ramparts were used for bunting in the 1st and 2nd millennium AD, Kali Menskaya volost worked in a part of the Polatsk land. At the lower part of the embankment, logs were found, which were made from oak logs. Zruby were placed ў two or three happy adzin and another ўzdoўzh shaft. The insides of the yana were clogged with pyask and loam. The pershapchatkovy tower of the rough abaronchay scyany was 4 m, and the pershapchatkova rampart was 14 m. On pratsyaga XI Art. These mats were sorted out and the fire was taken out and the shaft was broken no less than twice. The plyatsouka garadzishcha was significant to pashkodzhana during the fall of the life of the stage in 1967. The collection of archeological investigations included the ruins of kamenak stoves, fragments of blundered and circular pots, fragments of clay amfaras, slate slates and slate heaps, visited speeches. At XI Art. vyalіkae garadzіshcha, veragodna, vykonvala function ўmatsavanaga dzyadzіnts old city city.
3. Small Garadzishcha.
A small garadzіshcha is known on the cape, covered with gold of the Danube stream and Menkai cancer. In early May, an avalanche walkway measuring 80 x 16 m (area of 0.12 ha), low ramparts with a height of 0.3 and surrounding three tanks. Hell vyalіkaga garadzіshcha plyatsoўka small garadzіshcha earlier daksamas adjalyalas low ramparts, gety ramparts are not important at the same time. Garadzіshcha was given to the inhabitants of the culture of shaking ceramics in the Iron Age on the wool of the 1st millennium BC. І І thousand years AD Pasney, at V-VIII stst. yano vykarystoўvalas ў kastsі shovishcha prodstaўnіkamі plamen Bantsaraўskaya culture. You need to assign a connoisseur of pacerki from Egyptian faience II–III centuries. U X Art. garadzіshcha muggle vykarystoўvatstsa ў jakascі dzyadzіntsa navakolnaga paselіshcha. Znakhodki vyalіkay kolkastsі abpalenaga zernya svedchats pr toe, that ў ХІ st. here stocks of sbozhzha were buried. At the end of the investigation there were stony stone zhorns, slate pieces, glassware patzers, lyapnas and round utensils, metal jumping utensils, pratsy, used rhechs, details of a horse-drawn ryshtunka and items of choice. From the aposhnіh treba assign a badge on the tip of the ball.
4. Graves.
In 1975, traces of soil graves were found in the mortal-inlet particles of village 1. Then 18 shkіletov were investigated. There were pakhavans of gift and dzetsi. In 2012, yashche 5 pahavannya was traced. All the yans knew in shallow pits, buried near the cultural layer of the village. The skeletons lay on their backs, bulging out like a head on the back. There was no lack of inventory. At the conclusion of the investigation of the next objects, it was clarified that all the sultry plowed beds and graves, which functioned in the XV-XVI centuries. have getai particles selishcha. Not far away is the hell of pahavannya znoydzeny tsely garshchok, at yakіm, veragodna, they carried memorial grass on the grave.
5. Selishcha 1.
Selishcha 1 unpasred daluchaetstsa and garadzіshcha z paўdneva-shodnyaga side і addzyalyaetstsa hell yagorov. Iago area folded 9 ha. Yano is vytsyagnuty z zakhad to the exit of the bridle of the high floodplain terraces of the right bank of the Menki crayfish. Zhodnyaga side selishcha lyazhyts on the high right bank of the Danube stream. The vynіku shmatgadovyh investigations had znojdzeny traces of syadzіbnay zabudovy X-XI centuries. The ruins of stoves, kamenaks, padpolny and gaspadarchy pits were buried. Prasochany traces of the maisterni, which was engaged in the excavation of praslіts from oўruchskaga slate (slate). Fragments and whole forms of bluff and round pots have been taken out of the study of the stony zeny, fragments of the bagat ornamentation of the amphora, fragments of clay patelnya. Vyraby with stone are made asyalkam, slate primers and zhornami. Shmatlikіmi znakhodkam z’yaўlyayutstsa glass patzerki X-XI centuries, brought from the country with care. The well-developed gandal was known for the knowledge of the silver-branded Arab mannets of dyrhams and the girak-raznavag. Akramya getaga znoidzeny zhanochyya jumping (pads, skronevy rings, fringes, bracelets) and elements of male kastsyumu (brooches, asparagus, overlays on the belt), objects of the Christian cult (targeted kryzhykі) from kaljar metal ¢. Shmatlikiya vyraby z zhalez pradaўleny nazhami, krasіvamі, priladami pratsy, keys, selskogaspadarchymi priladami i g. d. alchuga. Stunning speeches are demonstrating that ramesniks, handyars, and fore-stalkers’ friends used to live in the villages. Such is the warehouse of the population of information about the pr garadsk character of the pasture.
6. Selishcha 2.
Selishcha 2 is spread out from the entrance to the side of the ad garadzishcha, on the high right bereza of the Rakі Menki and the left sloping birch of the Danube stream. Iago is stored flat for no more than 10 hectares. Selishcha began to grow old in 2020. Traces of sadzibnaya zabudovy and ramessny vytvorchy complex were found in the investigation. On the sloped birch of the Danube creek, objects and materials were found, yakіya adnosyatstsa and the early stages of settlement of getai terrytori ў ІХ–Х stst. Slavic populations. Among the natives, fragments of bluffed garshchka inhabitants of the onion-Raykavets and Roman cultures were found. In other parts of the village there are slabs of dzeynast ganchar and ramesnye preparations for apratsovka stone. Pamizh schmatlikih fragments garshchkoy another palova X-patella XI century. on the hellish ab’ektaў there was a sultry bottom of a round garshka with a trident – a joyful sign of Prince Izyaslav Uladzimiravich, the son of the Polatsk princess Ragneda. The other materials are made of earthenware and slate materials, glassware patzers, zhanochymi jumping and elements of men’s kastsyum from kalar metals, iron wares and used speeches. Not far from the hell of the month of the fall of the Danube creek, traces of a jewelry mine were found on the Menk crayfish, which functioned on another bed of XI – a patch of XII stst. The vynіku of righteous investigations had znojdzen matresses for making soldered overlays, a fragment of a fringe with an abloom, sprues, fragments of a tyglya and a clay lyceum mold, and gold of calary metals. Akramya getaga znoydzeny shmatlikiya lead handl seals with identification of princely signs, saints, litars. Adna with seals with ball was laid to the Prince of Horodna Usevalad. Akramya getaga znoydzeny patches on the belt, Arab silver-branded manets dyrhama, vagavy girki-difference. All the noble materials were used to bring together the developed craftsmanship and acts of the gandal both in the neighboring principalities, and in the more distant lands.
7. Syadziba.
2022–2023 occasionally, further digging was carried out and the particles of the Vyalikaga garadzishcha shaft were crushed by the traces of the sgarelai pabudovy, which adnosilas and syadzіbnaga to the complex. The wooded pabudova, who had a stove with tiles, was cut into the shaft. Yana knew ў to take out a pajar ў to another palov of the XVII century. I didn’t dare anymore. Hell budynka was hailed by the collapse of the stove, which was folded from the cegly of the fingers and the bell was made of green-burned tiles, fragments of the burnt padlogi and belek. Above, the pazharyshcha was covered with smets from the 17th–19th centuries. There are fragments of earthenware, burnt and smoked dishes, flowerpots for kvetaks, fragments of glass bottles, fragments of faience taleraks, which have been worked out at the Sverzhanskaya Manufactory, fragments of different types of tile, wrought iron and kalyarovga metal, coins and insh.