Educational seminar “Development of domestic tourism in the Grodno region”
On September 27, 2021, within the framework of World Tourism Day, an educational seminar “Development of domestic tourism in the Grodno region” was held for specialists in charge of the tourism sector.
Volkovysk district hospitably met the guests, introducing them to its significant sights. We managed to get on a bus and walking tour of Volkovysk, visit the Bokhvitsy estate – Chechotov, the museum of OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, the chalk quarries “Belarusian Maldives”, the agro-ecological estate “Olkhovo”, where a master class on baking bread was held for us.
As a result of the seminar, the best specialists were awarded.
We got a lot of positive emotions from the trip!
Welcome to Ivyevsky district !!!