December is the month of gastronomic tourism
December is the month of gastronomic tourism🍲🍛
Today we will talk about potatoes🥔🥔🥔
Potatoes are not just a product or an ingredient, potatoes are a culinary and even cultural heritage of the whole world. 🌎
A huge variety of dishes from this vegetable pleases people every day.
According to the Resolution of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus No. 28 of May 16, 2022, the intangible manifestation of human creativity “Strava z tarkavanai bulby” was given the status of historical and cultural value. The bearers and successors of the tradition in the Grodno region are 25 housewives, including 4 in Ivyevshchina.🥔🥔🥔
We also want to announce a new brand event for Ivyev residents and guests of the city – “Bulbachka Smyatanauna zaprashae”, which will be held in 2025 in the village of Lazduny🥔🎉
We are waiting for you to visit us!