

September 27 is World Tourism Day, so we remind you about the annual competition as part of the holiday!

The competition will be held in 3 nominations:

“Ivye region through my eyes” (any images (photos) related to Ivye district);

“I am learning about Ivye district” (the photo should show you, your friends, your family members near the district’s attractions);

A new nomination as part of the month of ecotourism:
drawing competition “Ivye is my home!” (landscapes of Ivye district)

One winner will be chosen in each nomination (at the discretion of the sports and tourism sector of the Ivye district executive committee), who will be able to receive an interesting prize!

Send your works to the e-mail address ivsporttourism@gmail.com or on social networks “VKontakte” (Ivyevsky District Physical Culture and Sports Club), Instagram (visit_ivye) with the note “For the competition” (in the letter indicate your full name, age, nomination, contact phone number).
The competition will last from September 2 to 18.

To participate in the competition, call 69077.