Calendar of events for 2024.
❄Performance at the estate of grandfather Zimnik and grandmother Zavirukha (Zaleika village), 02.01-14.01.2024
❄Festival-competition of Christmas songs “GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO”, Iviers, 28.01.2024
🐟Ukha holiday “Morino goldfish”, Morino region, 10.02.2024
🎸Regional festival of folk art of veteran collectives “Veterans do not grow old in soul”, Ivie, 16.03.2024
🎸Festival of folk art “Link of Time”, Daylida village, 04/20/2024
🎉Fest “Pearl Star – Palace of the Residents”, Zhemyslavl, 25.05.2024
🎉Holiday “Lipnishki haymakers”, village Lipnishki, 15.06.2024
🎉Kupala dance festival, Mykolaevo, 07/06/2024
🎉Fest “V gosti k Yurate”, Mr. Yuratishki, 20.07.2024
🌸Floral kaleidoscope holiday, Lazduna village, 16.07.2024
🎉Festival of village culture “Bakshta color”, village of Bakshty, 03.08.2024
🍅Holiday “Ivy tomato”. Ivie, 10.08.2024
🍎The “Apple aroma” holiday, Geraneny village, 24.08.2024
❄Performance at the estate of Grandfather Zimnik and Baba Zavirukha