Amendments may be made to the legislation in the field of agroecotourism
The Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus plans to adopt a presidential decree, which provides for the adjustment of Decree No. 365 “On the development of rural tourism” dated October 9, 2017.
The project was prepared based on the results of an inventory of the activities of agro-ecotourism for the compliance of their activities with the norms of Decree No. 365 “On the development of agro-ecotourism” and the concept for the development of agro-ecotourism, carried out by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism together with regional executive committees during 2020-2021.
Changes to Decree No. 365 provide for:
?? adjustment of the aggregate conditions for conducting activities for the provision of services in the field of agro-ecotourism in terms of providing living rooms for agro-ecotourists, as well as supplementing this list with the condition that there is a permanent or temporary use of a land plot of at least 0.15 hectares corresponding to the intended purpose established by decree No. 365;
?? prohibition of renting out excess living rooms in agro-ecotourism for purposes not related to the provision of services in the field of agro-ecotourism, as well as the consequences of violation of this ban;
?? adjustment of the services provided by the subjects of rural tourism;
??principle of registration of subjects of agroecotourism.